Once saved, you can then add the Ingredients and Directions to that recipe. To Add Ingredients, Directions or edit the Recipe
Header, tap the top right Options button. This will display the options screen.
Recipe Ingredients -
this screen is used to define the ingredients used in the recipe.
- Each Recipe can have one or more Ingredients.
- Each ingredient for a recipe has 5 user entered components.
- Order: the display order to display the ingredients
- Qty: the quantity of the ingredient needed
- Unit:
the unit name of the ingredient needed
- Description: the ingredient description
- Check Inv: tells the system to check Inventory and
- This check box signifies that this component is to be checked against Inventory and Products when viewing. If not checked,
this ingredient cannot be added to a shopping list.
- Some items that would NOT be checked:
- Salt
- Pepper
- Many spices
- Oil
- etc.
- Link: will
display a check when an ingredient is linked to a product
- This flag denotes that you have linked at least 1 Product from your Product
Catalog to this ingredient.
- When tapped, you are taken to a screen to link one or more products to this ingredient.
The Edit Recipe Ingredients screen displays the Recipe Name, a working input section and a list of the ingredients on the recipe.
Sample Recipe Ingredients screen
To use the Edit Recipe Ingredients screen, either enter an ingredients description or tap on an existing ingredient to populate the
working section.
Enter the appropriate data and tap the Save button to save the ingredient.
To add a New ingredient, simply enter the
information in the appropriate screen fields. If an ingredient is already being displayed, tap the New button to present a blank
working area.
Sample Link Recipe Ingredients screen
As you can see in the example above, for Granny Smith apples, we are saying that either "Delicious Apples" or "Granny Smith Apples"
can be used for this recipe.
To link an ingredient, tap the ingredient to make it active. Then, tap the "Link" check box
and the "Link Products to Recipe Ingredients" screen will display.
When the screen is first displayed, if no products are linked to
that ingredient, the list of linked ingredients will be blank.
Tap the Show All Products button to display all possible products in
your Product Catalog.
- This will display your personal Product Catalog
- Scroll to a product, or use the bottom toolbar to limit the displayed
- Tap a product to "link" it to an ingredient.
- Tap again to "unlink".
- Once you have all the products that you want linked
to this ingredient, simply tap the "Back" button.
Recipe Directions- used to define the directions used in the recipe.
- Each Recipe Header can have one or more Directions.
- Each direction
for a recipe has 2 user entered components.
- Order: the display order to display the directions
- Direction: the directions for the recipe
The Edit Recipe Directions screen displays the Recipe Name, a working input section and a list of the ingredients on the recipe.
Sample Edit Recipe Directions screen
Please see the "Introduction to View Inventory" topic for more information.
Typical "Recipe" apps only add generic ingredients to their lists, for example "Apples". Because we potentially track products
via Bar Codes and also track Inventory, we could have many different products that fulfill a given Ingredients requirements.
A good
example is in the "Apple Crisp" recipe. In this case, we have 2 different types of Apples in our Product Catalog that will satisfy
the recipe. When you tap the Link check box, the Link Recipe Ingredients screen is displayed.
Simple to use! - Simply Powerful!
Recipes in Grocery-Tracker are made up of 3 different components.
- Recipe Header - used to define the recipe itself.
- Recipe Ingredients - used to define the ingredients used in the recipe.
- Recipe Directions - used to define the directions to make the recipe.
Add New Recipe:
To add a new recipe, go to the Recipe Tab and tap the Add button at
the top right in the Title Bar.
This will take you into the Edit Recipe (Recipe Header) section.
Simply fill out the data
and tap the Save button.
Recipe Header - used to define the recipe itself.
- Recipe Name: enter name for recipe - will be included on
the View Recipe screen
- Description: enter description - will be included on the View Recipe screen
- The following
fields will NOT be included on the View Recipe screen
- Additional Description: enter additional info - will NOT be included on
the View Recipe screen
- Meal Type: this is a pop up field that displays a list of available meal types
- Cuisine: this is a pop up field
that displays a list of available cuisines
- Main Ingredient: this is a pop up field that displays a list of available Main Ingredients
- Cooking Method: ProKey: this is a pop up that displays the cooking method
- Source: ProKey: this is a popup to denote the source of
the recipe.
- Servings: enter the number of servings that the recipe will serve
- Prep Time: enter the time to prepare the meal
- Ready
In: enter the total time to make the meal
- QM: this check box denotes that this is a "Quick Menu" item and is not a normal
recipe. These items are excluded from the normal recipe display unless requested.
- Difficulty: slide the slider left and
right to display difficulty level
- Rating: slide the slider left and right to display the rating
- GoTo URL: ProKey: A button to
open a browser window to the url specified.
- URL: ProKey: web page you want quick access to.
- Difficulty: A slider to display the difficulty
of the recipe.
- Rating: A slider to display your rating of the recipe.
Since recipes have quantities that don't always align with actual products, tapping the arrow button next to the Qty field will bring
up the Edit Ingredient Quantities window.
An example would be where the recipe calls for 1/2 cup of something. In
order to actually add this to your shopping list, or deduct it from inventory, the number is also stored with its decimal quantity,
In this window, you can refine how the quantity is used.